Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Chiltern Harriers Athletic Club will be held in the Tiered Room ground floor, The White Hill Centre, White Hill, Chesham HP5 1AH on Monday 9 March 2020, commencing at 7.30pm The meeting shall receive reports from members of the Management Committee and a statement of the audited accounts. Election of Officers, Management Committee Members and an Independent External Examiner will take place. Nominations for Officers and members of the Management Committee must be sent to the Secretary by Monday 2 March 2020. Nominations for Life Members can be made by two members of the Club and must be received by the Secretary by 10 February 2020. All members, except associate members and honorary members, of the Club have the right to vote. The agenda for the meeting and the minutes of the 2019 AGM can be downloaded from the About Notices section of the Club website. Parents of young athletes are also invited to attend the meeting and act as proxy voters for their children. After the meeting has been closed there will be the opportunity to raise issues with Management Committee, including day to day management, future plans for the Club and progress with actions arising from the Chiltern Way Consultation. A complementary refreshment will be available after the meeting in the White Hill Centre Lounge Bar. Tony Molesworth Secretary Entries to Pednor 5 on Monday 25th May are now on line at the following link: For more details, see the race page here |
December 2024