Notice is hereby given and Members are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Chiltern Harriers Athletic Club that will be held on-line on Zoom on Monday 8 March 2021, commencing at 7.30pm.
The meeting shall receive reports from members of the Management Committee and a statement of the independently examined accounts. Election of Officers, Management Committee Members and an Independent External Examiner will take place. Nominations for Officers and members of the Management Committee must be sent to the Secretary by Monday 1 March 2021. Nominations for Life Members can be made by two members of the Club and must be received by the Secretary by 9 February 2020. All members, except associate members and honorary members, of the Club have the right to vote. The agenda for the meeting and the minutes of the 2020 AGM can be downloaded from the About Notices section of the Club website. Please register with the Club Secretary ([email protected]) if you can attend the AGM and the Zoom log-in details will be sent to you. Parents of young athletes who are members of the Club are also invited to attend the meeting and act as proxy voters for their children. Tony Molesworth Secretary |
December 2024