The club is eligible for an allocation of places each year for the London Marathon. This year it is two places. This is based on the number of our members who hold an EA Competition Licence.
The Club committee has the discretion in the allocation of these places. In exercise of that discretion the committee will consider the following criteria: We want to know what information you find it valuable to receive from Chiltern Harriers AC, and how you want to receive it.
Following my FB posts last week and the brief discussions collectively and individually on Tuesday of last week, I met again with Hawkinsport (HS) to clarify a range of issues.
I can now summarise the position; Hoodies; The latest delivery are in Light Emerald and although the views were mixed, having seen an actual sample the view was to stick to the original colour going forward. HS are therefore offering these new versions at a discount of 50%. The original-coloured hoodies will remain at the previous price. Crop tops; The new version with now have a lighter mesh material back panel. The remaining stock of the old version will be a offered at a discount of 20% Short sleeve T shirts; The new stock is lighter and with fewer seams. The lady’s version is in stock and the men’s version is on order. All old stock will be offered at a 25% discount Long sleeve T shirts; these remain unchanged at present but new stock in due course will be the same material but with changed design to reduce the number of seams. Old stock will be offered with a 25% discount. Mens vests; the new men’s vest is in stock in a lighter vest material - my apologies to those I showed one to on Tuesday. I was given the wrong sample. The lady’s lighter version will be phased in later this year. The old stock for both men and ladies will be reduced by 20%. The Jacket remains unchanged. See HS web site for details. I have had very little feedback to my earlier FB post but set out below an update on the direction of travel.
Vests and crop tops – new lighter weight fabric is proposed. I have a sample which I will have with me at training this evening if anyone would like to see it. The garments will be printed to reduce the number of seams. Views? Short sleeve tops – these can either be the same lighter material or remain as is. Printed to reduce seams. Feedback please as to whether we change the material or stay as is. Longer sleeve tops – Suggested we keep the heavier material as this is a winter garment but substantially reduce the seaming by printing. Views please Hoodies – suggested we keep as existing, but a lighter cheaper option is possible. I need to get back to Hawkinsport in the next week so feedback asap please either on FB or [email protected] Thanks - Graham The Club committee seek to comply with the principles of good governance in the running of the Club and following guidance issued by England Athletics have adopted their recommended form of Inclusion Policy which covers many aspects of our ethos and principles.
The adopted form can be viewed on the web site via the About drop down at the head of the Home page. Circuit sessions are making a return from Monday 18th October
Open to all members of the club the sessions are at Hervines Park Pavilion between 7 and 8pm and are to develop strength and conditioning of athletes and to help prevent injury. The sessions are to suit all abilities. For more information, see here As the Guidance from England Athletics stands at the moment we are not able to continue with our normal programme of Sunday social runs for the senior members.
Hopefully , this will only be a temporary issue . In the mean time if you are missing your regular mud paddle, why not take advantage of the Route Map library to down load one of the routes either as a PDF or to your wearable tech (Christmas present ?). There are a few new ones. There are easily adapted to suit requirements. It would be good to build on this library , so if you have a favourite route – road or trail – why not share it . Happy to help or go direct to Matt Channer and cut out the middle man ! Happy New Year This year the Bran Tub Relay will not be happening as normal but 70 Chiltern athletes divided into 15 teams have entered a virtual version with a competition window from 21st to 30th December.
Athletes should send in their times to Steve Perkin at [email protected] Results to be published on New Years Eve. DOWNLOAD TEAMS FOR THE VIRTUAL BRAN TUB RELAY Hi Everyone
With Hervines Pavilion closed and social distancing a priority we will, unfortunately, not be able to hold the Bran Tub Relay as normal this year. However, we are instead having a Virtual Bran Tub Relay which athletes can attempt over the Christmas period. Katie Royals has kindly created a google entry form . Please use this to enter and insert an approximate time for 1500m (the Bran Tub course is 1450m). Closing date for entries is Friday 18th December. Over that weekend I will divide up the entries into, hopefully, evenly matched teams of five (or other multiple depending on the number of entries) with the help of other coaches. I will publish these so athletes can see who is in their teams Athletes should attempt the course between Monday 21st December and Wednesday 30th December. I will try and get results out on New Years Eve. Please feel free to send me photos that I can add to the club website along with my report. For those that haven’t taken part before the course begins at the bollards at the end of Devonshire Avenue. It follows Devonshire Avenue and turns right along the main Chesham Road, before taking a sharp right into Hervines Road. The finish is level with the right hand bollard back towards Hervines car park. Those with strava or other GPS facility can use that, others can use a coach, parent or friend to time them. I live nearby and am happy to pop up to time athletes. Athletes could opt to run together but in very small groups only please. Coaches - please forward to your groups. Please let me know if you have any queries. Regards Steve Members will remember the Chiltern Way exercise looking at the future management of the Club.
The committee have continued working on this initially in conjunction with England Athletics and have produced a Vision for the Club incorporated into a Development and Action Plans for the period to the end of 2024. Progress has been slowed by the constraints of the pandemic which has taken away the EA resources on furlough. Nevertheless, progress has been made to ensure the Club maintain high standards of governance and member experience. Once more progress has been made further updates will be circulated. In the mean time if any member would like to see copies of the Plans please let me know via [email protected] or if you would like to offer much needed help in the running of the Club please contact Trevor Davies on [email protected]. |
December 2024