Steve Perkin’sexcellent report detailsour Club’s superb athletic achievements during 2019.
Spring Marathons On Tuesday evenings early in 2019 a group started using the ‘Hanson’s Marathon Method’ initiated in the club by Tom Powell. This is a structured progression of interval based training.A group of some 20 runners enjoyed this different approach to training for a Marathon. The initiative was very successful and is being repeated again this year. There were some great Marathon performances during the year including Ben Alexanderrunning 2.37 and Ali Young 3.01 in London, Mike Turney 2.54, Richard Clark 2.56 and Ross Jarman 2.59 in Manchester and Aran Davidson 2.37 in Berlin. Track and Field Our Young Athletes continue to perform very well despite the lack of a local track. The Seniors will again be using the track at Merchant Taylors on Thursday evenings during early to late summer. There are also opportunities for all members to make use of the Watford Open Graded Meetings which are on alternate Wednesdays from 8th. April. Please check Watford Harriers website for full details. Ridgeway Relay For several years Roger and Sue Ellerby have been organising and managing a team from the club to take part in thisrace which consists of 10 ‘legs’ over a distance of 86 miles from Ivinghoe Beacon to Marlborough.The club had its best result last year finishing 3rdout of 40+ teams. Each team must include at least 2 ladies. Roger hopes we can field a ladies team as well this year. Two of the ‘legs’ can be run by a male.This year’s race is on Sunday 28thJune. If you are interested in taking part and have not previously been involved please tell Roger.Being a ‘point to point’ racethere is a lot of organisation neededto ensure the ‘baton’ is successfully delivered to Marlborough. Chiltern Cross Country League As recently as Feb. 2020 we saw the conclusion of the Chiltern League season and wonderful to report that our club won the final fixture by over 200 points, a staggering performance.Our Young Athletes again dominated the day but there were also huge contributions from both our Senior Women and our Senior Men. James Repper is the Men’s Team Manager and he attended all fivefixtures but because of his devotion to doing the job thoroughlyfeltunable to run himself. As he is one of our faster runners thisis a shame. Is there someone who could share the task with him so he can compete as well as the person helping? Please letme know or contact James. Circuit Training A few members have suggested it would help them if we provided Pilates, Core Strengthening and Injury Prevention sessions etc. We do already have Circuit Training on Monday evenings in the Pavilion in Hervines Park and organised by Jamie Shepard. Full details are on the web site. Look under Seniors or ‘Juniors’.The session is graded to suit both Senior and Junior athletes and could be classified as ‘cross training’ and formulated to increase general, core and body condition, strength and flexibility.Just turn up and introduce yourself to Jamie. It is free for members. Web Site You will have noticed has been updated and is continuing to be improved. Our thanks to Howard Cave who has been our webmaster for ages and Matt Channer who is designing the new site and Andy Hickman who is also assisting. Many Senior athletes are now making use of the socialmedia application ‘Slack’ to share information about the club sessions, races, etc. Facilities We continue to use some sixteendifferent locations and I am very aware that for parents with siblings,training at different venues,is tiresome.We continue to strive for better facilities and fewer of them but there are no obvious opportunities at the moment although this could change. Please contact me immediately if you get to hear of any developments which may involve a school, sports club or a redevelopment of a brown field site. We have a working party already set up. Coaches and Officials Every year in my Chairman’s Report I have appealed for more help with coaching in particular. I am pleased to report that in the last twelvemonths we have been helped by a positive rush of volunteers albeit we have lost a few who have retired or relocated, but we still need more. We think the most likely candidates are in the 16-25 age group or aged over 50 or a parent. Are you in this range and could you help? There is great fulfilment in seeing younger and older athletes striving to reach their potential.If you are interested please let me know or speak to one of our coaches. Training courses are available and are paid for by the Club. Development Plan A new FiveYear Plan has been prepared and will be discussed by the Management Committee and will be placed on our website shortly.We anticipate the Club will continue to grow but there is still a need for more coaches and better facilities. We will also need help from many members to drive the club forward. Chiltern Way-Consultation Thank you for your responses and suggestions,manyof whichare reflected in the new Development Plan. Social and Awards Night Our ‘social’ team led by Ellie Bates continue to work tirelessly and a date for this year’s event will be advised shortly. Defibrillator We have purchased an AED and as the Seniors are likely to be the most vulnerable group this will be available at Tuesday and Thursday evening training sessions. The custodian is Mike Shrive and Andy Hickman is the organiser. Other groups can always borrow the equipment. Just contact Andy.Full training is being given and further details will be placed onourweb site shortly. Junior Training Camp We held our first ever training camp at Phasels Wood Activity Centre near Hemel Hempstead. Nearly thirtyYoung Athletes attended the threeday residential course which included running/group exercises /football/yoga and lectures. Thanks to Nic Hughes, Becky McCall and Katie Doran for organising.Another camp is being arranged for this summer. Volunteers A huge thank you to all the people who help at our training sessions, at our races, and who support and organise our eventswhatever the weather;and also members of our Management Committee. Ellie Bates who has been a substantial member of the Committeefor 5 years is standing down but will continuetoorganise our annual social and prepare weekly race reports. Thank you Ellie. Martyn Cartwright has retiredfrom coaching Young Athletes and I would like to thank him for his huge contribution over many years. Hopefully we can now look forward to another Olympic year which will again put our sport under the spotlight. Many of us were volunteers in London in 2012 and it would be fabulous if that ‘feel good’ factor could be repeated. Good luck with your endeavours in 2020. Trevor Davies-Chairman Comments are closed.
December 2024