This week's training is brought to you by Steve Field - so brace yourselves!
Ok people my turn again – looks like this may well be the last on-line session for a while/ever from me? As it looks likely we will be able to train as a group by the end of March Monday Easy 7 miles recovery run Tuesday Speed - 4 x 1600m with 600m jog/walk recovery – ideally find somewhere flat to do this Wednesday Rest day Thursday Strength - 3 x 2 miles with ½ miles recovery at 10 seconds faster than race pace (see Sunday) Friday Easy 7 miles recovery run Saturday 8 to 10 mile easy pace Sunday Long run 10 to 15 miles – think about what marathon/half marathon pace you want to achieve RESULTS Chiltern Harriers performed very well in Round 2 of the England Athletics Five Mile Road Relay Competition. As expected the standard was higher than Round 1, but the Chiltern aggregate time of 3.45.59 was a four minute improvement for the team, and almost all those individuals who tackled both rounds logged an improved time at the second attempt. In the end, from fifty complete teams, Chiltern finished a creditable thirteenth and fifty club runners participated, all posting great times. The scoring eight were Richard Slade (25.29), Aran Davidson (25.37), Fabian Downs (26.05), Will Perkin (26.06), Bex Nkoane (29.47), Maddie Hughes (30.05), Ellie Bates (31.04) and Lean Ni Chiobhain (31.46). There were 1257 competitors in total and a measure of the standard is that Richard’s great time was only enough for 63rd place. Several Chiltern runners featured in the top ten in their age groups. As with the first round Nick Hughes was the fastest Vet 50, and Bex Nkoane fastest Vet 45. Also in the top tens were Maddie Hughes (2nd U15), Trevor Brawn (3rd Vet 70), Sue Elliott (5th Vet 55), Lean Ni Chiobhain (7th Vet 35), Alan Hornibrook (8th Vet 60) and Finn O’Brien (9th U17). Only the wining club, currently City of Norwich AC in a blistering 3.33.06, go forward to the International Round to face teams from Scotland, Wales and Ireland. However, the competition has been an excellent focus for Chiltern’s athletes and has been great for club morale and for athletes’ fitness. Hopefully once road relays return for real, the club will have generated enough interest to field teams. Photo of Richard Slade and Aran Davidson Full results on EA Website Adjust reps/rests/sets accordingly to what suits you right now and your fitness. Mon 22nd – Easy 4 mile run. **
Tue 24th – Downhill Efforts. We often train up hill, but forget downhills at speed. Some love it, some are less confident. Be careful, it really does require lots of work from your quads. One set is 2 x Hard effort Up AND effort Down, no rest between the 2 up and downs. 4 to 5 sets with 90sec to 2min recovery between. Look for a hill of around 45sec up. Wed 25th - ‘Yoga for Tired Legs’. And/or easy 3 mile run Thur 26th – 14 to 16 x 200m off 45. What fast effort can you sustain for the amount of reps with the short recovery. 1 mile WU & CD Fri 27th – REST and Foam Rolling day Sat 28th – Maybe you want to try a Fly5km after your 5mile efforts to see what can pull out the bag. Otherwise might want to look at bulkier miles after doing lots of short sharp stuff - but keep it easy if upping the mileage for both Saturday and Sunday….. with a 80min run. If want to add speed, try 30mins easy, 30mins HM pace, 20mins easy. Sun 29th Feb – 90min easy pace run. **Next term’s Conditioning for Runners starts 6.30pm and it is a 6wk term. Email [email protected] for details. Have Fun. Ali Young This week's plan is brought to you by Mike Shrive. Don't forget to run your 5 mile relay and submit your time too if you haven't done so already!
Please take great care during these extreme and variable weather conditions. There have already been two club members who have suffered serious injuries on the Pednor Loop, just after the Westdean Lane junction. At time of writing, frost has made paths over the Chilterns full of uneven ridges, great for ankle problems ! Monday Steady recovery run from w/end sessions. Tuesday Hill session, over long reps, pure stamina work. Warm-up (run to location) Decide no of reps, egs of possibilities in Chesham (Can find a suitable hill in your own area!) : Nashleigh Hill Cameron Rd White Hill Chartridge Lane Pheasants Rise Chessmount Time each reps to ensure consistency, rec is jog down. Warm down is run home. Wednesday Rest/core strength work/mobility work. Thursday Technical session (!). Set up watch for six 5 mins segments 1) Warm-up 2) Very easy running. 3) Long run training pace 4) 10km race pace 5) Very fast pace, close to max 6) Warm-down Friday Rest Saturday Warm-up Either Runfly 5km or self designed 3km time trial Warm-down Sunday Long Steady Distance (LSD) 45-90 mins relaxing, do not worry about pace, careful of frozen ground, mud, wind chill.............just think about hot drink afterwards. This week's training is brought to you by Trevor Brawn.
For those who have already entered Round 2 of the 5 mile Road Relay, or will be doing so, I would suggest preparing your own programme this week, so that you are in optimum shape when you do your virtual run. We already have a reasonable number signed up but not many senior ladies yet for some strange reason, but we want more in every category. The ultimate prize is representing English Clubs in an international competition in Round 3. If you run early in the window, do not post your time straight away, just in case you get another opportunity. The window has been extended to end on Sunday 21st February. Adapt the sessions to keep safe in inclement weather if necessary. The following program is a guide only and not a requirement. Please look at your weekly training schedule when group training was possible before lockdown and select from the following optional sessions that equate approximately to what you might have done normally. Do not increase your maximum weekly mileage by more than 10%. Stretching can be beneficial straight after your warm down. Monday Easy 6miles with 5 x 2 minutes quicker running between miles 2 and 4. Tuesday 1 mile warm up then 2 x medium steep hills, 15 secs, 30secs, 45secs, 1 minute, 45secs,30secs,15secs medium fast up with jog down recovery. 1 ml warm down Wednesday Rest Day, Cycle or core work/strengthening Thursday 1 mile warm up then 3 x 7 mins fast running on flat with 2 mins jog recovery 1 mile, warm down Friday Easy 5mile, 8km recovery run on or off road. Saturday 1 mile warm up + strides then Runfly5km or fast 5 mile run, then 1 mile warm down and stretch (7.5mls/ 12km). Sunday Long run on or off road: 8ml to 12mls, 12km to 16km at enjoyable/comfortable pace and stretch. |
January 2025