Good Evening! Race Report comes to you live from my little, pretend Glasto experience (aka sofa). I hope you’ve all been enjoying the sunshine and the music as much as I have. We’ll start things off by harking back to the weekend of 4th June, when, I am reliably, informed Aran Davidson earned himself an international podium (and perhaps a big slab of cheese) at the Biarritz half marathon in a time of 1.13.25 (3rd place). Makes me reach for a glass of wine just thinking about it. Somewhat closer to home, there was no hanging out with druids to mark the longest day of the year for our lovely Katie Royals, who also came home in 3rd place and with a PB at the St Albans Striders’ Solstice 10k (42.45) on Tuesday 21 June. She was joined by: Julia Aliaj (49.29); Fiona Kelleher (44.05); Beth Lang (49.52); James Turner (40.34) and Lindsay Turner (50.00). Dave Saul and Jo Culver joined the Tring Midsummer Fun Run (by Tring Running Club), finishing in 30.51 and 29.56, respectively. And, finally, to complete the theme Ben Hannen completed the Midsummer Murder Half marathon today in a time of 2.08.06.
In parkrun news, there were first placed finishes for Max Baxter and Maddie Hughes at Church Mead yesterday (18.26 and 19.20, respectively), whilst there were course PBs for Angela Hughes and Gill Baxter (33.57 and 35.11). Will Perkin took the first place in his parkrun debut at Rickmansworth (16.29), and Fiona Kelleher and Charlie de Sousa were rewarded with all-time PBs at the sam event (20.44 and 21.16), whilst Joe Cochrane got a course PB at Black Park (18.00). And, last, but by no means least, we move to the roads and 10k action. Ian Lawson clocked a 39.23 at the Ranelagh Harriers 10k in Richmond today, whilst over in Thame Louise Fry was 2nd lady overall at the hotly-contested Thame 10k in 39.14. Joining Louise were husband Shaun (41.12), Ali Young (1st ‘supervet’ in 41.23) and Kingsley Nanton (44.22). Comments are closed.
January 2025