The Merchant Taylor track sessions start as from THURSDAY 5th MAY and last for 20 weeks.
The warm-up will start at 7.00pm. The sessions that I devise are suitable for endurance runners aiming for any distance 3km upto 1/2 marathon, or even establishing a fitness base before starting a marathon schedule for the autumn. There will be some old familiar sessions, with several new additions. The cost per session is £3, but a season ticket is available at £40 covering all 20 sessions. If you wish to take advantage of this please pay (as with membership subs) to the club and label the payment "TRACK" plus your surname. Also inform Mike Shrive either verbally or via email/text.This would help the admin greatly. While Mike will recommend sessions for everyone to take part in, he stressed that any CHAC member can use the track at this time to do their own sessions. Comments are closed.
January 2025